$ 0 0 Rock N Roll AnimalBuzz: sh*t faced!Level:24Gender:Male, 42Location: 4:05pmRock N Rol...: well hello there4:12pmOppressive...: hello4:12pmRock N Rol...: how are you tonight?4:12pmOppressive...: fine and you?4:13pmRock N Rol...: great now! LOL4:13pmRock N Rol...: have a question if i may?4:13pmOppressive...: sure4:15pmRock N Rol...: i REALLY hate this shoutbox, but would love to chat more and get to know you better. So was wondering what your Yahoo chat ID is?4:15pmOppressive...: reading my profile "about me" section could have saved you all this shoutbox typing.4:18pmRock N Rol...: i did already. so what was i supposed to read that had to do with my question4:21pmRock N Rol...: ?4:22pmOppressive...: Thank you for stopping by my profile. I am not interested in talking to you off Fubar so don't ask.4:23pmRock N Rol...: ok but you never answer my question4:26pmRock N Rol...: ?4:26pmOppressive...: I don't do yahoo...or off fubar ..so have a nice day4:28pmRock N Rol...: god your rude4:29pmOppressive...: lmffaoooo Mister I have been overly pleasant to you.4:32pmRock N Rol...: no you havent, i did nothing but say hi and show interest in getting to know you6:55pmOppressive...: I suppose I should of just told you to fuck off when you asked for my Yahoo.. have a lovely night and piss off